Hello there.
I have several pieces of my work up for 70% discount until Dec. 31!
Where: bG Gallery 2525 Michigan Ave #A2, Santa Monica, CA 90404 – Located within Bergamot Station
Saturday Dec. 21st from 1pm – 4pm the gallery will present a shin dig of sorts and you are invited to attend. There are quite a lot of artists on the wall, so you’d absolutely find something gift worthy and awesome for a friend, or for yourself.
It is a crazy holiday sale spectacular with budget in mind and the idea that everyone should be able to afford art for their walls and collections. With art prices soaring in the last several years I feel like a lot of people inspired to purchase from artists have become disheartened, and that leads to buying poster prints or mass produced pieces every one else owns. You deserve beautiful walls.
Listed below are all the things I have on offer at the gallery. If you are unable to visit in person you can always call the gallery directly and ask to have something shipped to you.
Who do you call? – Fabrik 310-890-8833 – email gallery (@) fabrikprojects.com (intentionally unlinked to prevent spam. You may also contact bG gallery directly (310) 906-4211. Tell them you are interested in buying any of my pieces and they’ll help you out!
I have these two of Tara and Ella from our Australia trip in 2018. Both in 5×7 matted to 8×10.

This piece I made in 2006 of Kat Love which received 1st in a Fuji Film contest back in 2008. It is an 11×14 matted to 16×20 Framed Silver Gelatin. Currently being exhibited on the wall.

This piece made in 2017 of Chey is a 16×20 Metal Print which comes pre-fabbed with wall mounts. Currently being exhibited on the wall.

I also have 15 loose prints you may inquire about. All Silver Gelatin Fiber based traditional prints.

And Finally I have two loose 8×10/s Solarized Polaroid Type 85 images which come with my book Sunkissed 85. Both Silver gelatin fiber prints

And from now until Dec. 31 only by walk-in to the Gallery or by acquiring one of the above loose prints, a $15 discount on my book, Sunkissed 85.

And that is all wrapped up nice and tidy and hopefully picked up in person or delivered to you with a nice little bow on top. Please let me know if there’s anything there you would like but were unable to reach someone about it. I’ll do my best to run in and snag it for you and send it on its way to you. 🙂 zoewiseman (@) mac.com (intentionally unlinked because… spam. ugh).
Whatever you do this during this end of year thing we humans seem to stress each other out over, DO IT WITH UNIQUE GIFTS. pun worthy? probably not.
Happy Holidays!!!