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“Wiseman has chosen a landscape of dramatic form and line and projected the nude onto it. She has sought a fusion of the figure within the landscape in the simplest apportionment of surfaces, natural formations, nudity and light. It is characteristic vastness. It gives us a sense of desolation and liberation. It is a magical space.” ~ Photo Art Magazine

“Thanks to Zoe Wiseman for her constant uplifting efforts in the world of figure photography and for leading me to Big Burlesque and the ‘Fat Bottom Revue’.” ~ Leonard Nimoy in The Full Body Project

Zoe Wiseman Photography
Zoe Wiseman has been involved with photography as a model since 1974 and as a photographer since 2001. Zoe has a passion for fine art and portraiture.
Zoe has been published in several magazines, movie soundtracks, newspapers and books as both model and photographer. Sometimes both modeling and photography in the same publication. Her photography and modeling work is collected worldwide.
Since 1998 Wiseman has run websites promoting the art of photographers from all over the world. She has held yearly festivals since 2002 inviting models and photographers to gather for a week to immerse themselves in a nurturing atmosphere. They have traveled far and wide to attend, from Australia, Ireland, Germany, England and several states within the U.S.A. More may be read about these artist retreats at
Zoe lives in Malibu, CA with her husband, Charlie Clouser, 2 time grammy nominated, former Nine Inch Nails member and composer for movies (SAW (I – VII), Death Sentence) and TV (NUM3ERS, Las Vegas).
Selected Publications Featuring Zoe Wiseman
The Associated Press / AP News
Silvergrain Classics Magazine (German)
Insurrections arabes (Buchet/Chastel) book
Talk You to Death (book by Danny Draven) Film making advice from the Mavericks of the Horror Genre
A Guide to Modular Worlds (Leib/Kaiser) Use synthesizers for more personal creativity
Tape Op – The Creative Music Recording Magazine (No. 141 Feb/Mar 2021)
Mix magazine (september 2016)
Electronic Musician (Jan 2016)
Recording – The magazine for the recording musician (September 2021)
Scored to Death 2 by J. Blake Fichera (Silman James Press 2020)
GQ Magazine (German)
Humanist Perspectives magazine (Canada september 2013)
Photo Art (Czech Republic)
Fine Art Photo (German)
Polaroid (USA)
SAW II Original Score Sountrack (German)
The Times Picayune (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)
Clean Fine Art (German book)
Passion & Desire (German book)
Angel’s Delight (German book)
Style Monte Carlo magazine (Monaco)
Max Magazine (German)
Max Magazine (Italian)
BMI Music World magazine (USA)
Orkus magazine (German)
Moog Movie (documentary on Bob Moog, USA)
Sylvie Blum Nudes (German book)
Tribe magazine (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)
New Burlesque (French book)
Fantasies (Italian book)
American PHOTO
NUDE X (USA book)
The Cairns Post (Australia, QLD)
Nudes Indexx II (German book)
210 Photographers (Swedish book)
I Spy With My Plastic Eye (USA book A&I Photographic)
Fiat Lux – Fine Art Nudes by Zoe Wiseman
Le Nu LA (USA book A&I Photographic)
iSpy With My Plastic EYE 2 (USA book A&I Photographic)
PHmagazine (Canadian publication)
1×4 Beyond (Swedish book)
And an ABC news segment about photography websites on the internet in 1999. ABC News interviewed Zoe Wiseman and Carlton Mickle for their Prime Time News Hour which included a live photoshoot with model photographing the nude. A major step for fine art nude photography.