Mid-4AM ramblings and strung out on coffee
Listening to Metalocolypse and wondering where and why time slips away
feeling that 10 minutes of orange that happens every night in california and wondering why sleep at all?
you could have another coffee and keep going through whatever geek timebomb you are creating now
or scrap it all and forget about that sliver of creativity you forgot to write down
some things left over from the fog of humidity i used to live in – this city just isn’t the same, people sleep and any celebrating and you might have a sideways glance wondering who put the happy in your drink
but you’re always sober and you still have more fun
and those dregs of kindredness fall off the cliff into the pacific and you realize that there is no us there is only me and that’s how they think here
popularity breeds contempt, one of boy george’s more genius phrases, and it’s true and you’re also true
i miss mom-n-thems and red beans on monday
happy monday
this made me smile
Mad – we love it.