In April 2022, I signed a book deal and the exciting process of editing, designing and prepping for a launch (that still hasn’t come yet), commenced.

During the designing process in August, after a yearly eye exam and a retinal scan, my eye doctor sent me to the emergency room for an MRI and I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had a craniotomy within a week after that appointment. This set me back quite a bit with the book, as anyone would expect, but the good news is as of my last MRI this August 2023, my doctor says that I AM CURED! Thank you to the Cedars Sinai Neurology Department, Dr. Jenny Parks (my eye doc), and my neurosurgeon, Dr. John Yu… and every single beautiful person I came in contact with at Cedars, especially Desiree, my nurse. Also, whoever shaved my head so that I could cover the incision and not scare the children. Bride of Frankenstein, maybe? I took this as I was recovering and had a very swollen face.

Not only did I have to have brain surgery, but my yearly fine art retreat was already scheduled. I made it there, 2 1/2 weeks after surgery (I must be mad). We laughed, and celebrated and it was such a joyous occasion. A bit after that I went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame celebration for the 2020 Nine Inch Nails induction that my husband and I were unable to attend due to Covid, once things started opening up again the RRHF scheduled the Nine Inch Nails event, and he got back on stage with them and all the former bandmates in Cleveland. A week after that there was a wedding! So right after surgery it was just go go go go go and I didn’t stop. Normally people sit down and have some rest. It was good for me. September and October totally occupied with activity.

In December, I received notice that the publisher I signed my book deal with sold the company. So then I realized what all the hold up was with my book. More on this later…
Skip forward to February, no books in hand, but my work exhibited in the LA ART Show (I actually posted about it <<), which was an eye popping glory of color and pop art, and me with my photography wall. Strange and wonderful all at once. I loved being part of that with Photo Independent. The Virtual show is still online there if you would like to see my two features, scroll down that page, it’s alphabetical so I’m last. Then immediately after LA ART Show I started preparing for the MIA Photo Fair in Milan, Italy. Scroll through the slide show below.
Italy was one of the most amazing things I did all year. Milan was special. Meeting people who understood my work and knew what solarization was without the need to explain my process was so incredible. Exhibiting my work there was a dream come true. It is where I decided my life goals when I was 16 years old. To come full circle back to the place where the spark began, well, I’m just happy that brain tumor didn’t do me in. I left 5 of my pieces in Italy, so part of me is there now. I also got to spend a couple of days in Venice and hit the Lee Miller/Man Ray exhibition.
April to today has been a busy bundle of taking care of aging parents and trying to get this book launch happening, some brilliant shooting with models who stopped in to participate and a tragic death of my friend, Jillian Ann. So I am here trying to process the day (a year ago) I was told I wasn’t going to die with all of the non-stop that has been going on, and the never ending phone calls about our friend, Jillian who was supposed to be at my home right now staying with me. Plans sometimes cannot be kept.

Before the strange ending of a non-stop year I did a soft launch of my book. I have 5 limited edition prints with a book left available. Until I hear from Vedere Press, that’s what we have. I bent over and bought all my books and 1/2 of them are at a distribution warehouse, waiting. I’m so very impatient about things now and I’m doing my best to breathe and let the process unfold. If it doesn’t, I’ll just do it all myself. At least I can count on me.
I am waiting to launch. Until then, is where you can snag the last 5 limited edition prints with my book. This is the print, and this is the book.

I should probably use this blog more often instead of attempting to cram an entire year into one post.